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Overview of Hole House APK ā€“ Download Hole House APK for Android

“Hole House” is a video game developed by indie game developer “SEMA Transylvania” and published by “2PGames”. The game was released on November 12, 2020, for Windows PC.

In “Hole House,” players control a character named “Solomon Mintz,” who finds himself trapped in a mysterious house with shifting rooms and dangerous traps. The objective of the game is to navigate through the house, solving puzzles and avoiding obstacles, in order to find a way out.

The game features a unique mechanic where players can create holes in the walls, floors, and ceilings to access new areas or avoid hazards. However, creating too many holes can lead to the house collapsing and the player losing the game.

“Hole House” has a distinct art style that blends pixel art with hand-drawn elements, creating a creepy and atmospheric environment. The game’s soundtrack, composed by “Sean Beeson,” adds to the eerie atmosphere, creating a tense and suspenseful experience.

Fetures in Hole House APK latest version

“Hole House” offers several features that enhance the gameplay experience, including:

Hole Creation Mechanics: The game’s central mechanic is the ability to create holes in the environment, allowing the player to access new areas or avoid hazards. However, creating too many holes can lead to the house collapsing, adding an element of risk to the gameplay.

Puzzles: The game features a variety of puzzles that require the player to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to progress through the levels. The puzzles range in difficulty, providing a satisfying challenge for players of all skill levels.

Atmospheric Environment: The game’s art style, which combines pixel art with hand-drawn elements, creates a creepy and atmospheric environment that adds to the tension and suspense of the gameplay.

Soundtrack: The game features an original soundtrack composed by Sean Beeson, which adds to the immersive and unsettling atmosphere of the game.

Hidden Secrets: The game has hidden secrets and alternate paths throughout the levels, encouraging players to explore and discover everything the game has to offer.

Replayability: The game’s levels are designed to be replayable, with the option to improve completion times and discover new secrets and paths.

Graphic and Sound

Graphic: “Hole House” features a distinctive art style that combines pixel art with hand-drawn elements. The graphics are well-designed, with detailed backgrounds and character animations that bring the game’s environment to life. The use of shadows and lighting effects also adds to the creepy and atmospheric feel of the game. The game’s graphics are well-optimized, allowing for smooth gameplay even on lower-end systems.

Sound: The game’s original soundtrack, composed by Sean Beeson, is a standout feature of “Hole House.” The music is eerie and unsettling, adding to the game’s creepy atmosphere and creating a sense of tension and suspense. The sound effects are also well-done, with realistic and immersive sounds that add to the gameplay experience. The game’s audio is well-optimized, providing clear and crisp sound even on lower-end systems. Overall, “Hole House” offers an excellent combination of graphic and sound design, creating a unique and immersive gaming experience.

Design and User Experience

Design: “Hole House” features a well-designed game world with a unique central mechanic that sets it apart from other puzzle-platformers. The ability to create holes in the environment adds an element of risk and creativity to the gameplay, creating a satisfying challenge for players. The game’s levels are well-designed, with a variety of puzzles that range in difficulty, providing a balanced and engaging gameplay experience. The game’s art style and sound design also contribute to the overall design, creating an immersive and creepy atmosphere.

User Experience: The user experience in “Hole House” is generally positive. The game’s controls are intuitive and easy to learn, allowing players to focus on the gameplay rather than struggling with complicated controls. The game’s difficulty is well-balanced, providing a satisfying challenge without being frustrating or overly difficult. The game also offers the ability to adjust the difficulty setting, allowing players to customize the experience to their skill level. The game’s levels are also well-optimized, providing smooth and consistent gameplay even on lower-end systems. Overall, “Hole House” offers a well-designed and enjoyable user experience for players of all skill levels.


In conclusion, “Hole House” is an engaging and unique puzzle-platformer game that offers a satisfying gameplay experience. The game’s central mechanic of creating holes in the environment adds an element of risk and creativity to the gameplay, providing a satisfying challenge for players. The game’s levels are well-designed, with a variety of puzzles that range in difficulty, offering an enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels. The game’s art style and sound design also contribute to the overall design, creating an immersive and creepy atmosphere. The game’s controls are intuitive, and the difficulty is well-balanced, providing a positive user experience. While the game does not offer any additional game modes, the levels are well-optimized and replayable, providing players with the opportunity to improve their completion times and discover hidden secrets. Overall, “Hole House” is a well-crafted and enjoyable game that is definitely worth checking out for puzzle-platformer fans.


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